Project Settings

Configure parameters for a project that will facilitate seamless execution and accurate results.

Check out this quick video explainer of Creating and Managing Projects.

After creating a new project, it is best recommended that you update the project settings to enable smooth execution.

These settings include:


Project Name

Here simply enter your Project's name

Project Description

Give a brief description of your project.


To schedule and manage everything in your timezone; Choose from the drop-down list

Activity Logs

The Activity Logs are used to track when users create, update, or delete any entity within the project, along with their creation date and time.

Activity Logs are turned off by default, but you can enable them.

Console Logs

Console logs are used to track and debug the transactions in the DCKAP Integrator application.

Enable Console Logs

To enable or disable console logs to be displayed on the Logs page.

Console Log Options

Four log display options are available to the user to choose from:

  • API Method and URL

  • API Request Information

  • API Response Information

  • API Header Information

  • API Params Information

Selected options will be logged for all Pipes in the Project.

Email Alerts

Enable Failure Alerts

To enable or disable synchronization-failure email alerts. These emails are sent if an error occurs during the data synchronization.

Email Addresses

Provide one or more email addresses to which alerts have to be sent.

Failure Alert Options

Choose one of three options to trigger emails when the selected events happen:

  • All Failed

  • Partially Failed Only

  • Completed Failed Only

Email alerts can be set at the Pipe Level too. Click here to Learn More.


Check out this quick video explainer of Adding a New User to a Project.

Check out this quick video explainer of Adding an Existing User to a Project.

To add a User to the Project, provide the email address of the User, give the necessary access permission - either Admin or Standard and, click on Add User.

  • Admin: Has the privilege of project owner with the following limitations:

    • cannot delete the project and

    • cannot transfer the project

  • Standard: Has the privilege of Admin with the following limitations:

    • cannot delete the project

    • cannot transfer the project

    • cannot modify configuration/settings

    • cannot provide project access to any other users/groups

An invitation will be sent to the user to accept or reject the access.

Non-DCKAP Integrator users may also be added to the project. An invitation will be sent out to them to sign up for a DCKAP Integrator account.

The email addresses of added users are displayed in the lower section of the page. Here, the project owner can see if the User has accepted or rejected the access invite. Also, the user's access level can be modified or revoked by the project owner/admin if needed.

User Groups

Here, the project owner/admin can add a User Group to give access to the project. (The User Group can be added only once the users in the group have accepted the Group invite). Once the User Group is added, it will be displayed in the lower right section of the page. The access permission for this group is already defined in the User Groups page. A Revoke button is present, which allows the project owner/admin to remove access for the User Group.

An email will not be sent to individual users of the group when the group is added to a project.

The project owner/administrator can only add groups that they own to the project. They cannot add groups owned by some other users.

Last updated